April 25, 2012

Multi-tasking Komicker

Journal Entry #33
April 24, 2012

Hey, Journal!

It's just a month and a day to 2012 Summer Komikon.  It's been a hectic several months, trying to balance my work as a Writing Consultant and my creative pursuits like comics creation.  I feel like I need an extra 4 copies of me to get everything done.  One to work on Komikero Anthology, another one to keep abreast with Bayan Knights, another for redoing the Servant #1 pages in color, the other for finishing the Servant CGI comic, and still another for doing my bread and butter job.  The last copy of me would be to sleep for the benefit of the others ^_^

Anyway, since there's no cheap cloning available at least for another couple of decades, I have to make do with what I have and multi-task.  Most recently putting efforts into the CGI comic.  I've been interested in 3D since 2010 but couldn't focus on it since I didn't have my own PC until later that year (when I also shifted jobs).  I dabbled a bit, but nothing noteworthy.  Certainly, producing a 3D comic book was a pipe dream then.  But the idea was in the back of my mind.

Then, boom, DAZ3D offers their Pro Package for free and things just started to click.  I also figured going digital is a good option, cutting down on production costs while getting your work out there in the global market.  Learning curve is high and my PC barely makes the minimum required specs (creating a satellite dish tower and city backdrop for Servant's civilian workplace still takes several hours and a lot of trial and error with rendering, for instance),  but the results are immensely satisfying.  Now, I'd be the first to admit I'm a rank amateur (hindi pa pwedeng pang Dreamworks, haha!) and there's a lot to learn.  But you have to start somewhere.

Borgy Borgonia, Creator, Writer, Artist, etc. SERVANT

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