April 27, 2012

Early Bayanihan for Tony

Journal Entry # 34

(Entry #4 for "Callous Comics")

Just when I thought I knew a lot about printing presses, I'm proven to know nothing at all!

I've finally finished all the additional artwork and panels for "Callous Comics - On Lighter Dreams" and have found a new printing press to send it to.  Finding the time to do all that was a daunting task but somehow I pulled through.  This new printing service, through my friendship with a member of the family that owns the business, has taught me a bit more about the whole process.  And it's been quite an education!  The downside, however, is that I've found that how I handle text in my comic strips isn't offset-friendly.  Nevertheless, I believe it's a problem that can be resolved.

"Callous Comics" has been updating sporadically.  I long for the day I can get back to doing this daily.  The previously-mentioned storyline that was supposed to follow "Regret" had to be postponed and I'm doing gag-a-days until my schedule stabilizes.

On another note, 2012's Free Comic Book Day is coming up!  I'm excited to be a part of the "Komiks All-Star" book that will be given away at Comicx Hub.  And to see a Carlo Vergara rendition of Cal Duck?  Awesome!  But there's another reason to to look forward to May 5, and that's to help out "Jonah Hex" co-creator Tony DeZuñiga.  He suffered a stroke a few days ago and his family is struggling to keep paying the bills to maintain his care in the intensive care unit.  A bunch of comic artists will be sketching art to sell in both Comicx Hub and Comic Odyssey to help his family with their current financial burden.

You see, I'm the kind of guy who has heartfelt respect for those who have blazed the trail before me, whether as a physician or a comic writer/artist.  Tony DeZuñiga is obviously no exception from that.  Last November, before Komikon 2011's doors opened to the public, I got to meet Sir Tony as he roamed the con floor and stopped in front of my table.  We had a nice short chat and I asked if I could have a quick picture with him.  He happily obliged.  He said some nice things about me and my work and like many people was surprised to find out that I was a doctor.  He then went on his way.  Little acts of kindness go a long way with me and I long only to somehow return the favor.

Until my next entry, have a great day, everyone!

Best Regards,
Carlo Jose San Juan MD

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